Sunday, January 5, 2014

Horror Took A Break

Well, Happy New Year everyone. It's a brand new year and time to get busy again. Since October, I've laxed. Not that I've been lazy mind you, it's just that the holidays tend to yank one away from normalcy and finding time to write was rather tough. Although it was not simply the holidays that created chaos, there is a deep personal issue I am dealing with. While I'm not going to disclose details, know that while personally touching home, it is not specific to me. 
I did, however, go as far as to edit all my published pieces intending to create a collection. Even went as far as to create the cover and back.
Tentatively titled "Bloody Walls." 

But, since I have a number of unfinished pieces that need completed, I'm thinking I'll just put this on hold for a bit.
Nonetheless, the saga continues, but the time has come when I need to get, I'll write and thus, here I am.

First off, what have I been doing? Well, on one hand we could say not much. On the other, we could say quite a bit. Let's begin with October.

Now every October I take my vacation during the week of Halloween. What do I do during that time? Well, I decorate
The kitchen turned out well
The shower was better
And the witch scene was even better
perfected my costume
'Scrow took 1st place
I threw a Halloween bash and was fortunate to have both my story Trick or Treat and my review of Agenda 21 published in Suspense Magazine.
 Coincidentally, if I count the Horror News Net Land of Shadow and Substance articles (which I intend to get back at), I was published somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 or so times in 2013.

November brought about that issue I spoke of and tossed everything on my shoulders. Regardless, they say the Good Lord only piles on what you are capable of handling and, since I'm still standing, I guess I passed the test. Of course, writing took a back seat.

In December I had the wonderful opportunity to spend Christmas with my daughter. It was the first time we spent Christmas Day together in double digit years. Besides going to the movies, dinners and just basically hanging out together, we visited Sea World.
This is a gag photo we planned ahead of time. The tank allowed you to peek from the inside center.
 And, Santa brought me what I wanted. It's a dollhouse which I intend to transform into a house of horrors with each room depicting some sort of demented debauchery. Believe me, I have ideas and may even document the progress here. However, first things first...back to writing.
33"x 17"x 41"

Each room will be distinct and terrifying.
So, basically that brings us to today.
Besides blogging a little something, I will be updating the site and have just submitted both a tale to Suspense Magazine and the first five chapters of my new book A Lawnly Existence. Whether or not Suspense Publishing is interested in publishing it remains to be seen, but I have hopes. I'll keep you tabbed.

Well, thanks for taking the time to listen to me rant a bit and here's hoping 2014 will be just as exciting and successful as 2013 was...for all of us. While the holidays were nice and all, I've begun missing the horror and so it's time to pull out the axe, sharpen the butcher knife, and coat everything red.

See you soon!
Stay Scared,

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